A Look At Our Custom Denture Options

When you suffer from the loss of multiple missing teeth, then this could impact how your smile looks and functions. We could offer removable options or even secure full dentures with dental implants. At your Farmington, MI, dental office, a full smile that looks and functions like a natural one is possible, and we can offer traditional removable options and new smiles supported with dental implants.


Partial dentures are a unique tooth replacement option, which addresses cases of tooth loss too serve for a bridge, but helpful for those with enough natural teeth that a complete denture isn’t necessary. The prosthetic contains new teeth set in an acrylic base, with a metal clasp that attaches to natural teeth to keep the prosthetic in place. With all options, we will create them based on detailed digital images taken of your smile. Being custom-made ensures they fit comfortably, and also offer a lifelike appearance. You enjoy a full smile and the ability to eat your favorite foods again. Plus, implant options can help stop the changes to your jaw ridge that usually follows tooth loss, so your new teeth last for years to come.


If you have lost most or all of your teeth, then you may need a full set of dentures. These contain a complete set of teeth in an acrylic base. We take time to ensure they’re natural in appearance and match your facial structure, so your new smile looks and feels natural. They can be removable, held in place with suction or adhesives, or implant supported. With removable options, they last about 5 to 10 years and need to be soaked and cleaned periodically. With implant-secured options, they’re attached to dental implants and can last for decades, and don’t need to be removed.


Typically, there is a length of time between when we extract the last few teeth and when your final one is ready, whether you’re receiving removable or implant-supported options. but with immediate dentures, we can extract the teeth and then complete the prosthetic in the same visit, so you leave with a  full smile. If you have any questions about how we design and create custom dentures, or about which options are right for your smile, then please reach out to our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy optimal oral health, creating a renewed sense of self-confidence too.

Speak With Your Farmington, MI, Dentist About Dental Prosthetics

Our team wants to help you enjoy a full smile again with our custom prosthetics. Whether you need partial or full, conventional or immediate, we have options to help you smile with confidence once again. To ask questions or set up your appointment, please call Farmington Smiles in Farmington, MI today at 248-474-8060.

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